(Magyar) Szaunavilág

Our guests can try out a lot of novelties in our sauna world. But do not forget about the chilling and the frequently mentioned fluid intake. Use the comfortable furniture of the sauna department, listen to the relaxing music, walk to the fresh air after drying yourself and forget about the everyday problems as this is the purpose of the extended sauna section of the Borbála Spa, so that our guests can enjoy the time spent here and they can leave with new energy.

Finnish Sauna house 

For up to 15 people
Temperature: 90 – 95 °C
Time to be spent in the cabin: 12-15 minutes / round

What effects does it have to our bodies?

The Finnish saunas provide you with the original sauna experience. The low humidity and the high temperature ensure the sweating.
• stimulating the metabolism, detoxing
• skin cleansing and immune system strengthening
• correcting the low and slightly high blood pressure
• releasing the muscle contracture, stiffness and the muscle fatigue
• stress releasing, relaxing
• protection against infections
• applicable in the cases of chronic bronchitis or asthma
Aroma therapy: The evaporation of the aroma oil has a smoothing, yet stimulating, relaxant, germicide effect for the body and the soul. Lots of symptoms can be mitigated with this method, for example: stress symptoms, skin irregularities, anxiety and migraine.
You should enter the sauna with dry skin for the perfect sweating. The process shall be divided into 15-minute rounds and after each quarter of an hour you need to take a shower in cold water or dip into the pool.
It is important to take care of the proper fluid intake.


Infra Sauna

For up to 8 people
Temperature: 45-50 °C
Time to be spent in the cabin: 40-50 minutes / round

Why is infra sauna the better one?

The infra sauna works in a different way than the Finish one. Here the infra beam can enter the body into a depth of 1 cm under the skin and this way it dissolves the  unnecessary and poisonous materials then helps them leave the body through the sweat glands.

It is customary at the beauty parlours that cellulitis is treated in infra saunas as this removes cellulitis as the light  enters the skin at least three times the depth as other treatments, therefore this is the most effective method.

During 30 minutes of infra sauna treatment ca. 600-800 calories might be burned and we do not even have to do sports for this! Studies showed that the human body burns almost the same amount of calories here as during active sporting.

There are only good effects, so let’s go to the infra sauna!

Steam cabin

For up to 8 people
Temperature: 45 – 50 °C
Time to be spent in the cabin: 12-15 minutes/round

The steam cabin is especially recommended for the cure of several health conditions and diseases thanks to its high steam content and the general effects of the wet heat.
• lung asthma,
• chest cold, bronchitis of the upper respiratory tract,
• coughing,  wet coughing,
• not severe rheumatics and the limited or painful movements of the joints.
In the steam cabins the wet and warm air surrounds our bodies, soothes our nerves, cleans our air-passages, stimulates our blood circulation and vitalizes our skin. The steam cabin does not only provide relaxation and charges people with energy but also has a good effect on health and beauty as well.

Finnish sauna with light and aroma therapy

For up to 15 people
Temperature: 90 – 95 °C
Time to be spent in the cabin: 12-15 minutes / round

Light therapy:
The light has healing power as the body is able to activate its self-healing powers with the its help. Every colour has its own biological effect; the different colours have different effect on our bodies and mood.
Blue: the blue colour has a soothing, relaxing effect to our nervous system. It slows down the blood circulations, thus restores the blood pressure to the normal values. It helps overcoming the sleeping disorders and anxiety. Its effect creates balance and harmony.
Green: the colour of the nature. Relaxing but at the same time inspiring, helps you escape the world and regenerates you. It has positive effects on the lungs, the skin, migraine and muscle inflammation.
It contributes to the stabilising of the emotional status.
Yellow: the colour of the sun, supports the positive thinking, improves the general well-being, strengthens the nervous system and relieves the symptoms of depression. Makes you want to do exercises, be active both in mental and physical ways. Not recommended for too nervous people or people who are sensitive to stress!
Red: the colour of love and passion, it is connected to fire and warmth. The red is the colour of vitality and it also stimulates the blood circulation. It has a good effect for the heart, helps the digestion, tones the muscles.
It causes strong and intensive emotions.

Shower from a bin

Using the shower is very popular with the guests using the traditional Finnish sauna.
In this type of shower the cold water content of a wooden bin is poured over the guest.

Tropical or rain shower:

A large volume of water is poured over us from the top of the shower cabin through a shower head with large diameter (25 – 30 cm). The temperature of the water is usually pleasant warm, not cold and not hot.

Ice machine:

The ice machine is a special device mounted on the wall. It continuously pours mush-ice to the dip pool lying under it. You should scrub the mush-ice on your skin and it stimulates our blood circulation, it has a pleasant and refreshing effect to our bodies and also a pain-killer effect.

Dip pool:
The dip pool is filled with ice-cold water. It is recommended during or after the use of the Finnish sauna or another sudatory bath. The cold water dip pool stimulates the blood circulation, contracts the pores of the skin and makes the skin more flexible.

Dip pool with tempered water:
This pool is filled up from separate cold and hot water taps. The water with different temperature form layers. It is very pleasant to sit in this one after an intense sweating, after taking a shower and dipping into ice cold water and to relax, enjoy the freshness of the air.